004 - It has been disassembled... more

Doing some cleaning, all the control panel hinge/doors/door surrounds were scrubbed, then chucked in the dishwasher for a deep clean. I then re-oiled the hinges. They will need a stripping and respray as they look like they've been repainted pretty roughly, and some of the paint is peeling. I got most of the rust off though so, I'll probably strip and respray them.
The control panel plastic came up well after a few Borax+Vinegar sludge coatings, then a scrub down. It's lost a lot of its sheen from years of abuse, and the nicotine staining is pretty bad. Will get some 1200 grit sand paper and go the D.I.Y painting route.
I will be removing the last of the wiring + Fluro from the cab, and take it down to the D.I.Y car wash, and spray it down. Don't think I'll repaint the cab as its still pretty good and the nicks and scratches aren't bad, and gives it a little history. I will be buffing the crap out of it though.
Also have this on the way from Japan! (NOS!!) <3 Seimitsu!

Another Win! Found the Door Lock Tabs and control panel locking hinges inside the coin bucket!!!! Just need 5 locks now!
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