001 - It has begun!
I was a typical 80's/90's kid and my main addiction was video games,
but the best video games were always at the arcade. Zombie Jesus, how I
loved Arcades, especially Double Dragon, Raiden II, Ghouls N' Ghosts,
Splatterhouse, King of Fighters (Fatal Fury/Art of Fighting), Street
Fighter, etc...
I first saw a Candy Cab when I went to Sega World in Sydney (Australia) spent an entire day playing games and at the end of the day I bought the Street Fighter Collection (Mostly for Alpha 2 Dash) and Guardian Heroes for my beloved Saturn, it was one of the best days of my life!
But i never forgot that Astro City I played, later on I visited Japan and that just solidified my love of Candy Cabs, especially the original Astro City cabinet. About 10 years ago I bought a Sega Blast City but sold it soon after due to financial difficulties. I think I've missed having a cab everyday since then, but now that I'm in a really good position both financially and job wise, I decided it's time to go down this rabbit hole again
So I looked around for a while, and managed to find my personal favourite arcade cabinet, the Astro City from a seller a state over! I contacted the seller and it was coming directly from Japan in a container, so I reserved it with a deposit for it sight unseen, which was risky but the seller offered to test it all out and send me a video before freighting it out to me, including screen burn etc.
So when it arrived I got an email, it was in the country!

Looked pretty good, the seller messaged a few days later to tell me that the cabinet was in good working order, and sent me a video of it running and with full screen colour tests, it looked good! They offered to convert it from 110v to 240v, but after seeing the butcher job that someone did on my old Blast City, I declined. So after paying the rest of the money for the cabinet, they organised a freight carrier and said it would be a few weeks wait. I thought the wait was going kill me! Luckily work was pretty full on for those weeks so it wasn't as bad as I thought but still I read up so much about it, watched videos, read most of the cab restorations on ArcadeOtaku and other places.
Waiting, Waiting, Waiting...
I first saw a Candy Cab when I went to Sega World in Sydney (Australia) spent an entire day playing games and at the end of the day I bought the Street Fighter Collection (Mostly for Alpha 2 Dash) and Guardian Heroes for my beloved Saturn, it was one of the best days of my life!
But i never forgot that Astro City I played, later on I visited Japan and that just solidified my love of Candy Cabs, especially the original Astro City cabinet. About 10 years ago I bought a Sega Blast City but sold it soon after due to financial difficulties. I think I've missed having a cab everyday since then, but now that I'm in a really good position both financially and job wise, I decided it's time to go down this rabbit hole again
So I looked around for a while, and managed to find my personal favourite arcade cabinet, the Astro City from a seller a state over! I contacted the seller and it was coming directly from Japan in a container, so I reserved it with a deposit for it sight unseen, which was risky but the seller offered to test it all out and send me a video before freighting it out to me, including screen burn etc.
So when it arrived I got an email, it was in the country!

Looked pretty good, the seller messaged a few days later to tell me that the cabinet was in good working order, and sent me a video of it running and with full screen colour tests, it looked good! They offered to convert it from 110v to 240v, but after seeing the butcher job that someone did on my old Blast City, I declined. So after paying the rest of the money for the cabinet, they organised a freight carrier and said it would be a few weeks wait. I thought the wait was going kill me! Luckily work was pretty full on for those weeks so it wasn't as bad as I thought but still I read up so much about it, watched videos, read most of the cab restorations on ArcadeOtaku and other places.
Waiting, Waiting, Waiting...
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